Become A Vendor

Become A Vendor

Start Your eCommerce Business With & Earn Big Profits

Open and operate an online store at no cost or extra fees

Vendor Program

The seller program allows you to create, manage your product listings, and manage sales directly without the need for a site administrator.

You will have the dedicated page of your company,

You don’t need to pay for web sites to open online shop, pay for design, pay for year maintained cost (domain, hosting, and design web, maintained), and now offer this one for you.

Your products can be presented in territory of

Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey


Report Center

Better insight of business data from various aspects, enchance operation and increase sales.

Content Management

Get feedback from customer directly and reply questions on the fly

Order Management

Rich and convenient user inter-face of order, shipnotice and invoice

Access Anywhere

Consistent user experence no matter where the entry point is, e.g. mobile, laptop, tablet

Why Choose Us

Our statistic


Official brands all over the world


Sattisfied Completely Customers


Featured Products Categories


Orders has been shipped


Monthly customers visit websites


Yearly profit incomes grown

Getting Started Is Easy

Mode of operation

1.Register Account

2.Product Listing

3.Order & Shipping

4.Receive Payment

The Success Stories


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